Green - The colour of harmony and balance

Green is everywhere, it is the most common colour in the natural world and as such has a calming nature about it. Being a combination of yellow and blue, green encompasses the clarity and optimism of yellow with the calm and insight of blue which makes green a very emotionally balance colour.

Green can help alleviate anxiety and stress, it is an emotionally positive colour that can bring a sense of hope, with promise of growth and prosperity. It’s no co-incidence then that green is used on a dollar bill and many other currencies throughout the world. Green has an association with wealth as a result, which in turn has led to the negative association of green with greed. Though the term “green with envy” was around as far back as Shakespearian times.

Green is the colour most commonly associated with new growth, an easy association to make as the new shoots of nature in spring are invariably green, even as far back as pagan times green was a symbol of fertility. The colour is also seen as having healing properties, it’s a colour that can often be found in hospitals and in pharmaceutical packaging as a result.

In interiors green can be used to create a sanctuary away from the stresses of modern living, restoring us back to a sense of wellbeing, which makes it a good colour to use around the home.

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A & H Wills